Friday, July 31, 2015

We are cold.

Yesterday I had lunch with Aylin, Laura, Kathrin, and Rita. I only got a picture of Aylin, Laura, and me...but that is okay. I thought it was funny because we are inside the main student center on campus and we are all in our scarves and jackets, and we were still cold! There is no central heating, not even inside the school buildings. We had just come from our HIV/AIDS class where we were icing over. All we talked about going from our school building to the student center was being cold. The sun has not been shining the past few days. The weather has been rainy and windy. So, we are not getting the chance to warm up in the afternoons. Hopefully this weekend! 

Lastly, I can't help but tell you about the experience I had getting hot chocolate. The student center is always busy. It is packed with students eating, chatting, and constant movement. Honestly, I generally avoid it because sometimes it is a little too much action for me. So, yesterday was my first time actually eating there. I got in a long crazy line to get hot chocolate. Outside of where you pay is a window and table that has big bowls of cinnamon and sugar. There are no packets. You just push your way in and add what you want to your drink from these bowls with a spoon. I walked into the crammed place, I paid, and then I exited again and waited by the window where the sugar is. There were at least 20 other students waiting, and none of us had numbers or names to match us with what we ordered. The employees were going crazy, yelling out things--drinks were being passed around! Somehow I did get my hot chocolate. It was delicious. It was just one of the wildest scenes I ever experienced in a student center. Everyone seemed to think it was normal though :) :) :)

Aylin. Me. Laura.
We are in the main student center on campus. 


  1. Lookin' good, TTO! Got your card too! Have a ball!

    Your story of waiting in line for hot chocolate reminds me of a very large tent in India - on the side of the road (actually a major highway) with thousands of people getting coffee. You paid at one end of the tent, and then picked up your coffee at the other end. I wondered how the heck anyone knew who paid for what! I mentioned it to my Indian friend there at the time, and he said, "Oh, your method - 'que' - just won't work here... Imagine how long that line would be. Here, everything just works its way out!"

    Funny stuff.

    Take care!

  2. Love reading your blog Georgia. I have another friend who blogs on this same site, but he has a setting on his homepage where i can subscribe and it will alert me when he makes a new post. Can you do that?

    Aunt Mary Kay

  3. You all look so happy... cold but happy...
