Monday, July 27, 2015

Laurin, from Germany.

This is a picture of my friend, Laurin. I met him on the first day of orientation. I was terrified by the hundreds of people gathered close together. So I stepped outside to where students were still buzzing, yet a bit calmer than what happening inside. That is where I met Laurin. Ever since we have stuck together. Laurin is from Germany. He is in a masters degree exchange program here, and studying anthropology. He also did minor related studies in African Studies for his undergraduate degree. He has been to Tanzania at least twice! 

Laurin is extremely laid the point where he got his visa 1 or 2 days before he left for South Africa, AND he showed up with no accommodations booked. The first week I met him he was staying in a hostel, seeing how things went, and figuring stuff out at his own pace. 

The second or third day after I met Laurin, something crazy happened. We had both been to orientation. I had gone home. At this point I was still at Japie's house with my mom. When I went to check on the dogs there was a man outside the gate asking for money because he said he worked with Japie (my landlord). I was confused so I went and got my mom. My mom came to deal with the man outside who turned out to be a local neighborhood guy who comes up with all kinds of great stories trying to convince people he needs money. Another Afrikaans man on a bicycle came to my mom and said she should never give that guy money, and that he is a regular. After a while I am in the house wondering where my mom is. I go outside and I see the man who was asking for money walking away down the street. Then I see the man on the bicycle and my mom talking to Laurin trying to give him directions...turns out Laurin was lost and ended up on the front lawn of Japie's house! 

Of all the international students, and all the places in Stellenbosch, Laurin is in my front yard. It was a 1 in a million situation. For a moment we were both equally confused. He was lost looking for one of the rooms he might rent. This is when my moms car rental came in handy. We hopped in the car and took Laurin on a search. We found his potential place, he took a tour of it, and then we got back in the car and ended up making omelettes for dinner because all we had was eggs and cheese. The same night the power went off while we were washing dishes. It was just an all around adventure. Anyway, Laurin and I have remained friends. You will probably see him around in other photos :) 

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