Friday, July 24, 2015

The Goldie Family

Right before my mom left we both got to meet the Goldie's. I have been in touch with Japie since the beginning...getting to know each other, dealing with transferring money, and overall he answered many questions! My mom and I met Japie when we arrived, but his family had already left to go on holiday. We did not see them for two weeks. They all came back the night before my mom left. We met his wife, Marli, and their three sweet children. We talked, laughed, made fun of the crazy experiences my mom and I had, and overall just enjoyed each others company. It was a great note to leave things on before my mom went home. I see them sometimes when I go by on my bicycle (and secretly spoil their dogs with treats occasionally). I know I can come over and visit, and get help if I ever need I am lucky I landed in such a good situation! : )


  1. Hey Georgis,
    I can't read the text on this one... it is whited out or something. Love the story about the dissolve it yourself hot chocolate!

  2. I could not figure out what was wrong with the text for this one. However, I think I fixed it as best I can. Can you read it now? It is forcing me to have a background for some reason...
