Sunday, July 12, 2015

Table Mountain

On our first day in Cape Town my mom and I took the tram up to the top of Table Mountain. On a clear day you can see Table Mountain from pretty much any point in Cape Town. It has been voted one of the 7 natural wonders of the world, and the steepest cable line. The cable car floor rotates as you go up so everyone gets to see all the views. Once you arrive at the top you could spend hours hiking around. You also have the option to hike up and down Table Mountain and skip the cable car all together, we decided not to do that! We were lucky to have a gorgeous day, and some of the most beautiful scenery I could have imagined. You can see Table Mountain from Robben Island. Nelson Mandela said, "To us Table Mountain was a beacon of hope. It represented the mainland to which we knew we would one day return."

The little fellows we saw are called dassies. They were running around the mountaintop.  According to the information on the sign, they may look a bit like a rabbit but are most closely related to the elephant! Their evolutionary relationship is based on their feet and teeth. What?!?!

South African Rock Dassie

Nice view for the dassie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well that looks pretty fabulous. Dassie knows how to live.
