Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cheetah Outreach

I am jumping back a few days because dealing with wifi has been very difficult. Nonetheless, a few days ago my mom and I went to a place called, "Cheetah Outreach," and we got to pet this beautiful animal. There are about 15 cheetahs being raised in captivity, along with quite a variety of other animals. Although normally I do not believe an animal like this should be raised in captivity, their cause is very good. Farmers are killing cheetahs on their property, and therefore they are in danger of becoming extinct. In addition to saving cheetahs there is a program to train dogs to scare animals like cheetahs away from farms. This really helps because cheetahs are non-confrontational animals. This system works out for the farmer and the cheetah. Cats are my favorite animal. And this cheetah purred the whole time I was there. You can imagine, I melted 100 times over on the inside! 

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