Monday, July 27, 2015

Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, South Africa

Well, the ladies took an adventure yesterday. I am finally getting up to date on my blog! We decided we would bike to the Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, take a hike, and come back to Stellenbosch. We rode our bikes up many hills for about two hours. Needless to say we were all in pain and walking our bikes by the end...beginning to wonder if we should turn back.

We finally arrived, locked up our bikes, and started hiking. The area had a huge fire this past March, and all the signs burned down. Needless to say, no one decided to replace them or put temporary ones up yet. So, we walked through the mountains, asking mountain bikers and hikers which way to go. We did well, but by the end it was getting later and we thought it would take us too long to walk back  from where we started (our trail did not end up where the map said).  

So we found what looked like a promising, but steep path, that ended up near the main road we needed to return to. We assumed it was very steep at first, and then we could simply walk to the road. Looks were deceiving. As we started out on our hands and bottoms we quickly realized it was steeper than we thought. We started sliding down the mountain causing rocks to slide and fall with us. It was like a cartoon. Every time we caught ourselves, stood up and tried to take a step we were back in the rocks and dirt falling again. Thankfully no one was hurt, and we all ended up laughing about it the rest of the way home. Next time we really need to understand the paths better. However, in general it is not our fault. In the city South Africa has no street signs, no visible road names/signs, limited information on signs (IF there are any signs at all), and that stayed true for the wilderness. 

It was a really fun adventure. We had a great time. Thankfully our bike ride home was MUCH faster than the ride there. All these girls are from Germany. The weather was fantastic, and I loved having no sleeves for once and feeling the sun.

In case you did not realize, we are pointing at the mountain where we slid from and looking at our behinds because we were extremely dirty afterwards. Pictures do not do the steepness justice haha :) 
Me. Aylin. Sophie. Kathrin. 

Kathrin. Aylin. Me. 

Aylin. Kathrin. Me. 


Me :) 

Aylin. Kathrin. Sophie. 

Aylin. Kathrin. Sophie. 

Me. Sophie. Kathrin. 

Aylin. Me. Kathrin. 

Aylin. Me. Kathrin. 


  1. Love the pictures. It shows me the terrain of South Africa and especially the area around Stellenbosch. Look like you all were having fun.

  2. Hi Georgia,
    It looks like you're making new friends and having great adventures. Life doesn't get any better than that. Back here in California summer is marching along. Susan is down in Sequoia National Park on a short backpack trip with her friends. She goes back to her teaching job in mid August. Emma, Skyler, and I are all working. Skyler's river guiding job ends in August, then he enters the great unknown. But now that I think of it...I think we all live our entire lives in the great unknown. Love seeing your pics and reading your stories. Keep 'em coming.

  3. Georgia--so good to get caught up on your adventures. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures with us so that we can get a better feel for where you are. You have an amazing ability to make friends quickly. Hope you are enjoying and settling into school as well. Love you! Aunt Mary Kay

  4. Looks like you had a warm day for a change.


  5. Looks like you had a warm day for a change.

