Monday, July 6, 2015

Update from an Internet Cafe


I have 10 minutes left at my station inside a DVD rental store that has a small Internet cafe in the back. I am staying at my landlords house while he and his family are on holiday, and there is no wifi. I have already had so many experiences where I want to share some pictures on the blog, but I have to wait until I am registered as a student to get wifi where I am staying. The system is very different than home.

At my landlords house I am taking care of two dogs, and two cats. The dogs stay out even when it is chilly, and I have learned there is no central heating in South Africa so the cats jump in and out of doors and windows. To my shock they do not have a litter box...the cats do their business outside.

No central heating is very different for me. When the sun is out and it is a nice day there is no problem, however, it is winter here and nights get chilly. By 7:00 PM it feels like it's the middle of the night and time for bed!

When I have wifi I will share more pictures and recount a couple of experiences. I have mailed postcards, found the nearest grocery stores, and am starting to learn my way around because after my mom leaves I will be left with walking and a bicycle.

My room is coming together. I put pictures up from home. There are not many clothes dryers here, and there is not one where I live. So drying clothes in this weather is very hard! They go out on the line when the sun is out, but it is chilly in the morning and at night, and sometimes rains.

I am running out of time, that is all for now. Many new things around me...but I am enjoying it all! 

Check back again for photos and stories (like seeing 15 cheetahs, touching 1, and baboons running through a parking lot when I was headed home from lunch! :) 

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