Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3rd: packing up

Today I took down all my pictures and decorations from the walls. I sent the last box to my parents, which will hopefully make it home safely. Everything else will go with me when I leave here in less than three weeks on May 20th. I didn't have to take down my pictures etc today, but I decided it was time. I have been thinking about when to do it, and now is a good time to start the gradual goodbye process to my year long home in South Africa.

I already took my final exam for my Gender, Culture, and State in South Africa class. Tomorrow is the last day of my African Jewellery Making class. After that I will just have to finish up isiXhosa and Public Theology. 

This Friday I will have to say goodbye to my lovely kids at the Ikhaya School in Kayamandi. I have been with them every single Friday since the first week of February. I have bonded with these kids and I really love them. They are all cute, sweet, unique, smart, and have their own funny personalities. I will really miss them so much. I will post some pictures from my time with them soon.

Although it is close to the end, I am not quite finished yet. From South Africa I will fly to Nairobi, Kenya. I will take a 2 week tour through Kenya and Uganda. We start in Kenya and end in Kenya. Then I will get picked up and go straight to an orientation for the school I will be volunteering with in Kenya. I will start 1-2 days later after arriving back from traveling. Because of my unbelievable experience teaching here in South Africa, I cannot wait to meet the kids in Kenya. I will also have the opportunity to work with older kids up to age 14.

From Kenya I will go to Germany where I will visit my lovely boyfriend before FINALLY getting back home to the states in the first week of August. Wow! Then I have to finish my last year of college for my bachelors degree, get a job, and start working my butt off so I can get out there and do it again!

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