Friday, May 20, 2016

Saying Goodbye

May 20, 2016. 

I am sitting in the Cape Town airport at gate A6 ready to fly to Addis Ababa and then to Nairobi on Ethiopian Airlines. I cannot believe today is my last day in South Africa, at least for now. 

I said many goodbyes. I said goodbye to my landlord, Japie and his family, on Wednesday when they had a lovely dinner for their family, my roommates, and me. Yesterday I said goodbye to my good friend, Laurin, who was the very first person I met and friend I made in South Africa in July of last year. Yesterday I also said goodbye to David who cuts my hair, and who also asked me to be a hair model for him before I left (which is why my hair is purple). I also went by my favourite store, Cape Union Mart (where I might have spent too much money), and said goodbye to my friends there. 

I said goodbye to my good friend, Max, around 7:30am who came and picked up my lamp and mattress this morning on his way to work. I said goodbye to Zanel as she left for work around 8:15. By 9:00 my friend, George, was at my place to say goodbye after just getting off a long bus ride coming from traveling with work. I said goodbye to Karl and Morticia by giving them food and a final squeeze. 

And then I had to say goodbye to Jonita and Joubert. They drove me to the airport, helped me with all my luggage, waited with me when I tried to get my VAT tax money back, and then told me goodbye before I went through security. We are all sad because we seemed to have realised too late we were friends this whole time. We always saw each other at home, but rarely went out to do anything together. We were just roommates who really got along but still did our own thing. Now we have done many things in the last weeks because of me leaving, and we are thinking..."why haven't we been doing this the whole time?" Jonita and Joubert promise to visit America, and I have told them I will have to come back to South Africa. 

Sadly I didn't have time to download my goodbye picture with George. But I will add it later. I have had a wonderful experience, made great friends, and planned more travels (of course) after my year abroad in South Africa. It is quite emotional to leave, and I will miss everyone so much. But I am excited for the new things to come!

Thank you all for following my year long study abroad blog for South Africa. However, I will continue the blog in Uganda, Kenya, and Germany until I get home in the beginning of August. 

Bye South Africa! 

Jonita. Me. Zanel. 

Laurin. Me. 

Cape Union Mart crew and me.
(Cape Union Mart became my favourite store in Stellenbosch. Great outdoor clothing and gadgets)! 

Joubert and Jonita. 

Jonita and me. 


Morticia is sitting with all my clothes. She wanted to be packed. 

Bye bye Morty. 

Max took my mattress. That really made the room feel empty. 

Mortician still wants to go. 

Bye to David who does my fun hairstyles! 

Me and Jonita in the airport right before I left for security. 

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