Sunday, May 15, 2016

Can you find Morticia?

Today I went outside to study and enjoy the sun. I have one last final exam which is this Wednesday, the 18th, in my Public Theology class.

Of course my Halloween black kitty, and trusty companion, Morticia decided to join me. She is laid out next to my chair on my right side. In the first picture, if you look closely, you can see her green eyes.

Today is Sunday, and I officially leave South Africa in 5 days on Friday, May 20th. I honestly cannot believe it. It feels like I arrived yesterday, and yet when I actually think about all that I have done, it begins to feel like a long time ago. I am sad to go, but also ready and excited for the future.

I must say I will miss Morticia and Karl so much. They are my good friends...