Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September Update

I have not posted in a while, and I felt like it was time. It seems like there has been a combination of a lot and a little going on since Lesotho. 

The reason why it feels like there is not much going on is because I have been falling asleep early on occasion, there is a public holiday this week so there is no class, the weather has been nice, and I haven't felt overwhelmed by school. 

The reason it feels like a lot is going on is because the mother load is about to arrive in October, and that is when things will get crazy. Final papers, projects, tests....etc. So, I feel that I am in the calm before the store. Nonetheless, I will tell you what I have been up to. 

Yesterday, September 22nd was Laura's 23rd birthday. In addition, her boyfriend, Julian, arrived the weekend before. Yesterday afternoon Laura, Julian, and I went to our favorite place which we call, "The Bakery." The waiter brought Laura a coffee that said, "Happy birthday Laura" in the foam. It was really amazing, and so sweet. 

Over a month ago Laura invited me to a small coffee shop she found and liked. We went together and we both liked the handmade bags they sell. There are purses, backpacks, and even larger bags. They are all handmade in Stellenbosch. We talked about buying one but decided against it, or at least we thought we would wait until before we left. I went back to check on these bags a few times. The one I really liked was gone. I asked them about it and they said they would order a new one and call me when it arrived. I decided it was the perfect present for Laura's birthday. 

I decorated the wrapping paper with stickers, and Laura did not even want to open it. She was super careful and said she is keeping the wrapping to frame. I spelled out "Happy birthday Laura" with stickers. My name was also in stickers, and then there were a few other cool ones added on there of course. She loved the bag, and our lunch together was amazing. Julian had to put up with the two of us, but he handled it quite well. He asked me if there was a word like "bromance" in English, except for girls, because that is what we have he said. 

Then I went to class yesterday evening, and unfortunately got out late. I tried to get home quickly to freshen up before Laura's birthday dinner. I forgot my camera, otherwise you would be able to see some pictures from last night. Laura decided to celebrate her birthday at a place called, Java. Many people you have heard of were there...Laurin, George, Sophie, Aylin, Kathrin, and a few others who you will not recognize. Plus me and Laura's boyfriend, Julian, of course. The evening was very nice. 

I did not go home too late because today I had my final test in digital photography. Now that today is over the theory part is finished for the class. Now we work on our pictures, framing, and work for our final exhibition at the end of the semester. 

It is already past 6:00 here, and it is a windy I am going to head home. But I will try to get some more good updates out there soon!

The only other thing to look forward to is that I will be completely finished with school in October. Laura and I are looking into potential plans for where we want to travel together in November. It is very hard to decide! We will see soon enough :)


  1. You should have taken some party pictures with your phone! Happy Birthday to Laura.
