Monday, October 19, 2015

October Update


Stellenbosch in October is beautiful. Aside from a few rainy days, the weather reminds of some gorgeous summer days I spent with my grandparents in California. Right now my friend, Laura, and I are outside sitting on the grass on campus. Both of us are wearing summer dresses, and we keep getting distracted by a lizard who keeps showing up who seems to want to play with us. The sun is shining. It is almost too hot in direct sunlight, so we found a spot in the shade. I am getting very brown from riding my bike every day and being outside so much. There is a nice breeze and the campus is busy. You can feel that the semester is getting close to an end. There are lots of people studying and hanging out.

Laura is studying for her Afrikaans final. She also completed almost all of her artwork for the semester which is really amazing. I finished my Transitional Justice class, and I did my framing and finished my final work for my digital photography class. I still have two more classes to finish up with, HIV & AIDS and Sociology. My HIV final is this Thursday the 22nd, and my Sociology final is October 27th.

After that there will be a little bit of time to relax before Laura and I leave for our trip in November. We will fly to Johannesburg and spend a few days there. Then we leave for Zimbabwe. We will spend one day there and then start our tour at Victoria Falls. We will leave Zimbabwe and go to Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania. Then we will spend an extra day or two in Tanzania before coming back to Cape Town. After that we get ready to pack up and go home for the holidays. At least, Laura, will be going home...and I will just be tagging along. I suppose the adventure continues for both of us!!!

Now I will add some pictures. Some are old and some are new, but I want to make sure the blog stays up to date and keeps up with life in South Africa :D :D :D

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