Friday, September 11, 2015


This past week was Spring Break for the students at Stellenbosch. It was a much needed and welcome vacation! I do not know what most of the local South Africans did. My roommate went home to see her family. However, almost ALL the international students decided to go on the Garden Route. If I had gone on the garden Route I think I would have met every international student in Stellenbosch. So, I was very glad we decided to do something different!  

I traveled with four other people:

Stella--from Germany
Sophie--from Germany
Stacey--from Hong Kong
Dorian--from France

Unfortunately Stella does not have an international drivers license, Stacey does not know how to drive (she does not drive in Hong Kong), and I do not know how to drive a manual car. So Sophie and Dorian had to do all the driving. And we drove A LONG WAY!

We stopped less than half way there the first night. We stayed in a really nice backpacker. The next day we drove almost all day, and finally made it to Lesotho. When we arrived we stayed in a lodge. The lodge was a hut with electricity which was only on from 6:00-10:00 pm. After that and during the day there was nothing.

The following morning we woke up early. Our guides brought two different bags for bag for our sleeping bags and things we did not need during the day (this would go on the pack horse), the other bag was for what we would use/eat during the day (and those went on our own horses). Our horses names were Baffo, Braai Man, Mistress, Brown Sugar, and Jupiter. My horse was Baffo.

However, I think the horse that got the most attention was Braai Man. Braai Man was Dorian's horse, and as you probably already learned from my blog...braai means barbecue. It was so great that Braai Man turned into a whole additional character on our trip...not to mention Dorian's hilarious jokes and connection to him :)

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