Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Late to school.

This morning started out as a normal day. Wake up, shower, get dressed, and have a short talk with my roommate, Jonita, before we head off for our 9 AM classes. She said goodbye to me as I was getting my final things together. I left and sat on my bike only to find it impossible to pedal. The chain was making a noise, and despite my effort to fix it, my bicycle was not going to be taking me to school.

I do not like being late to class, so in a panic I knock on my other roommate, Shane's, door. I caught her in the exact moment she was leaving for work. I asked if she would drive me to school and she said yes. We got in her car and did not even make it around the corner before she realized she had a flat tire. She called someone she works with and was waiting for help. I sat in the car with her for a minute or two before deciding the fastest way for me to get to school at this point was walk. I thanked her and said goodbye and headed off to school by foot in the rain and wind.

I arrived to my Transitional Justice class a little wet, irritated, and embarrassed. There was a special speaker today from the Congo. The class went well and I apologized to my professor for being 20 minutes late. Between my failed bike and car attempt to get to school I thought she was going to think my story was a bit far fetched, but she was very nice.

Now time to study and I have another class at 5:00 tonight.

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