Sunday, January 17, 2016

Laura visits! Jan 14 & 15, 2016

My friend, Laura, came from Salzburg and visited us at Michael's house! We picked her up at the train station. Laura met Michael's parents and we all had delicious noodles with tomato sauce and salad together. We had a very nice afternoon, and later that night Michael took us to a nearby Italian restaurant. I ate a vegetable calzone! Michael ordered a steak because he keeps looking for the perfect steak to compare to the one he had in South Africa, but he cannot find one that is anywhere near as good. So, hopefully when he visits me I can show him so good steak! 

Laura and I spent the evening reliving our journey through Africa with Nomad. We told Michael all the funny stories. He was probably bored by the end, but we all had fun together! 

The next day Michael was off to university. Laura and I had the morning and afternoon to do nothing but talk and catch up. Sadly Laura will not be coming back to South Africa with me to study next semester. So, this was the last time for us to see each other before she visits again (with her free ticket). On the way back home from SA the Emirates flight was overbooked and they offered people free tickets to get off the plane. Laura got a free ticket and will be able to visit me in South Africa this year! 

We also tried a German sweet called, Krapfen. It reminded me of an American donut with a custard or jam filling. They were quite delicious :)
Laura and me.
Snow angels. 

Me. Michael.

Me. Laura. 

Michael. Me. Laura. 



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