Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and were able to enjoy Memorial Day. This past weekend my family and I were lucky enough to have our family friends visit us from Nashville. We have known them since I was 5 years old, and Oren, is about my same age. We have been like brother and sister ever since we were little, so it was hard when they moved away. I am happy to say Oren has gotten a two month internship in Indiana where he will be working at Amazon. Very exciting! Because I am not sure if I will get the chance to see them again before I leave for SA, I am including this in the blog as part of my "see you soon" pages.

Other updates on South Africa:

1. My housing looks like it is working out, but the man expecting the money has not received the wire transfer. We are working on that.

2. I have been to the doctor twice. Once to get the TB test, and second to find out that thankfully, I do not have TB. South Africa should be pleased.

3. I got a police report to add to the pile for the visa.

4. I got finger printed for the FBI background check for the visa.

5. Tomorrow I have my official FBI background check appointment, and then I should hear from them in 5 days...then straight to Washington DC to apply for the visa.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was lovely to see my dear friends Talia, Rony, and Oren. All of us, including my boyfriend, Hugo, went on a river trip. I don't want to leave him out! Here are some pictures for you guys to check out the fun :)

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