Saturday, May 30, 2015

Washington D.C.

Hi everyone,

Somehow I have managed to gather everything needed for my study visa. My mom and I leave for Washington D.C. tonight. My boyfriend, Hugo, will take us to the airport. Then we will go to the South African embassy on Monday, and come home Tuesday. My dad could not take us to the airport because he is at my cousin, Drew's, graduation. Congratulations Drew!

Cross your fingers for me!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and were able to enjoy Memorial Day. This past weekend my family and I were lucky enough to have our family friends visit us from Nashville. We have known them since I was 5 years old, and Oren, is about my same age. We have been like brother and sister ever since we were little, so it was hard when they moved away. I am happy to say Oren has gotten a two month internship in Indiana where he will be working at Amazon. Very exciting! Because I am not sure if I will get the chance to see them again before I leave for SA, I am including this in the blog as part of my "see you soon" pages.

Other updates on South Africa:

1. My housing looks like it is working out, but the man expecting the money has not received the wire transfer. We are working on that.

2. I have been to the doctor twice. Once to get the TB test, and second to find out that thankfully, I do not have TB. South Africa should be pleased.

3. I got a police report to add to the pile for the visa.

4. I got finger printed for the FBI background check for the visa.

5. Tomorrow I have my official FBI background check appointment, and then I should hear from them in 5 days...then straight to Washington DC to apply for the visa.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. It was lovely to see my dear friends Talia, Rony, and Oren. All of us, including my boyfriend, Hugo, went on a river trip. I don't want to leave him out! Here are some pictures for you guys to check out the fun :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Signing Lease 5.18.15

Today I signed my lease and emailed it back to South Africa! I have a place to stay!!!

I was worried because initially I applied for University housing. I figured living on campus would be the easiest because I would be near students and would immediately be thrown into the action. Unfortunately all university housing was full. So, they sent me a couple of websites to check out other options and put me on the wait list. Because South Africa's academic year is the same as the calendar year I am entering in the middle of their school year. That is one reason why I may not have gotten into university housing.

I looked at the websites and sent out 15 -- 20 emails trying to get in touch with someone about renting a room. At first I thought I wanted my own room and bathroom, but that did not happen...which is fine! The first person to answer and continuously stay in touch with me is a man named Japie. He is 45 years old, he has a wife and three kids. Japie works at the university and his wife is a teacher. They live in a house about a mile away from the university, and in their backyard they have some sort of garage apartment. I will have to see the whole setup when I actually arrive. It is a three bedroom apartment, and we all share one bathroom. The two other roommates are girls and are both from South Africa. This definitely was not was I was expecting, but I think it will be great. I will get to meet/know two girls around my age from South Africa, and be living close to a family who knows their way around and everything about Stellenbosch in case I need help.

I have also found out it is quite necessary to have a bicycle. Depending on the day/weather I will walk or bike to campus. This is something I have not experienced before and I am very excited about it!

After Japie signs the lease all we need to worry about is sending the deposit and first months rent. After that I will open a bank account in South Africa which should make everything easier for everyone.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hi everyone,

Earlier today I posted on Facebook about my upcoming stay in South Africa. Hopefully there will already be some people reading this! I meant to make my first post earlier, but my dad had motorcycle problems which interrupted the evening. At least he is back safe and sound.

Although I am not yet physically in South Africa, there are many things happening that would be fun information for the blog. I spent the past three months in meetings with my study abroad counselor and my academic advisor. I went through a long application process, and had to get at least 12 signatures from different departments from my school, Kennesaw State University, to get classes approved. When that was completed, and finals were over, I thought I could take a breath, but the next day I was accepted into the program. I will be spending the next year at Stellenbosch University in South Africa near Cape Town.

So far I have found the Visa process to be much more intense than I expected. Yesterday I was at the police station getting fingerprinted so I can get a full background check from the FBI. I also have a few upcoming medical appointments for further work and signatures for my visa. On top of that, only a few days ago South Africa's law changed and now, rather than sending in my information by mail, I have to actually fly to Washington D.C. and turn in my application in person. This is no cheap visa.

Lastly, I got my international driver's license yesterday. Now I hope to be able to rent a car and travel during school breaks while I am there.

That is all for now. I will keep this updated regularly. I hope to see people checking it out!!

May 16, 2015