Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My year abroad is wrapping up...

Hello everyone!

A lot has happened since my last post. I left South Africa and traveled to Kenya. I had an unbelievable, wonderful time on my Nomad overland tour which went through Kenya and Uganda. I saw beautiful animals, the Masai tribe, gorgeous landscapes, waterfalls, Lake Bunyoni, Ugandan gorillas, the Pygmy people, and more. Not to mention the great girls I traveled with and the fascinating African people I met in both of these countries.

The trip ended in Kenya which is where I stayed to volunteer for a little while at a school called, “The Hadassah School.” I lived with the Pastor of the local church and his family. He also was the principal of the school. Although I did not stay in Kenya as long as I planned to, I had an eye opening experience. I will never forget it.

Then I really had to say goodbye to Africa. It was hard to leave, but I felt okay knowing that I plan to spend more time there in the future. My boyfriend picked me up in Munich. It was so great to see him and his family again! Plus, I got two meet the two kittens who were born while I was in South Africa!

I also went to visit my friend, Laura, in Styria, Austria. I spent the weekend with her mom and grandmother at their house there. We tried to make a huge fire, and we just talked and relaxed. It was peaceful and they made me feel like part of the family. I loved every minute of it.

After that I came back to Michael’s house and was only alone with him for a little while before my friend, Jacob, from Hong Kong arrived. The funny thing is that Michael and I met Jacob in New Zealand, so it felt like a little reunion. Jacob met Michael and his parents. He had dinner at Michael’s house. Jacob and I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp. Then Jacob and I went to visit Laura in Austria. Michael was studying for his exams, so he could not come with us. Jacob and I spent the weekend with Laura in Salzburg. We laughed the whole time, and just thinking about that time puts a huge smile on my face. Then Jacob went to Norway, where he spent his last couple of days in Europe before going back to Hong Kong.

Again, I came back to Michael’s house. He took his exams and did very well, which is great news! He is studying for his biochemistry master’s degree and it is a lot of work. When Michael was finished we decided we wanted to do something special before I left. So, we invited Laura to come to Italy with us. We picked up Laura and drove to Italy. We saw Padova, Treviso, Verona, and Venice. Besides the heat and millions of tourists, everything was great!

After Italy, Michael and I spent a couple days with Laura in Salzburg. Then I had to say goodbye to Laura, knowing that I would not see her again until she comes to the states or I come back to Europe. Laura has become my absolute best friend and kindred spirit, so this was difficult. But we know we will see each other soon.

Yet again, I am back at Michael’s house. The last few days we have been reading, swimming with my huge inflatable swan, looking for mushrooms, and taking long walks. Michael’s brother and sister also came to visit before I left. This meant a lot to me. This is the second time that Michael’s family has taken me in for two whole months! They have been kind, giving, funny, sweet, and accepting of me here. They also have to speak more English when I am here. So that fact that I feel like I fit in so well, and became so close to everyone, is really special.

The day after tomorrow I will be going home to Atlanta. I have been away from home for over a year now. It is hard for me to believe that at least a year and a half ago I was struggling with all the study abroad application papers. I can’t believe two semesters in South Africa are over! I can’t believe my time in Kenya and Uganda ended, and my two months in Europe are wrapping up in two days.

While I was away from home my oldest cat, Frilis, died at 15 years old. I loved her very much and I wish I could have seen her before she died. It was hard for me that it happened so soon before I came home, but I think it is better she did not suffer. So, now I will go home to see Dusty and Gus, my parents of course, and I am excited to see my Grandmother. Then on August 15th I go back to school.

It has been an adventure, and I know there are lots more to come. Thank you for reading and following my blog! It means so much to me :)

The Great Rift Valley

Masai Mara National Park

I finally saw lions, and it couldn't have been better!!!

Murchison Falls

Gorilla trekking

Up close to the silver back 

Pygmy people

The girls at me on Lake Bunyoni
Hannah (Australia), Julia (Netherlands), me (USA), Rachel (Great Britain) 

Kissing a giraffe

Mamma Flow and Mamma Mary
Kitchen of the Hadassah School

Kids at the Hadassah School 

The pastor, me, and the pastor's son, Craig

Kitty Simba 

Michael and his dog Sally, hanging out by the slack line 

Two brothers in love.
Simba and Balu.

Walking with Michael neat his house.

Michael and me. 

Jacob and Laura visit Michael's house.
Jacob, me, Laura, Michael. 

Laura, Jacob, and me. 

Michael, me, and Jacob. 

Jacob, Laura, and me in Salzburg 

Jacob, Laura and me.

Me, Michael and Laura.

Laura and me.
Venice, Italy.

Laura and me.
Venice, Italy.

Me. Michael.
Treviso, Italy. 

Michael by Mozart's birthplace in Salzburg. 

Laura, Laura's grandmother, and me.

Taking the swan for a swim. 

The wind was too strong. 

Almost the whole gang...
Roasting marshmallows at Michael's house.
On the left is Michael's brother, Michael is closest the the camera, then there is his sister and her boyfriend, Benny, and Michael's parents are sitting together on the bench to the right. 


Me. Laura.

This is a picture of Frilis and me in 2008.
R.I.P. Frilis

Uganda N/S Equator.
